Custom fields

In Poker Analytics you can create your own custom sessions fields!

If you feel we’ve missed something in the app, or if you have some specific needs, you can create additional fields that will be displayed in your sessions.

There are 3 different types of custom fields:

  • List: specify your own values
  • Number: enter any number you want
  • Amount: enter any amount of your choice

The most used is the list type which let you create a field with predefined values. For example, you could create a “Physical Shape” field, with several values like: Great, OK, and Bad. Afterwards, using the amazing custom reports, you can create a report showing your Net Result, or Hourly Rate, or Win Ratio, or whatever, using the comparator “Physical Shape”, and see the statistics for each data set.

Check out the steps below:

In More > Settings, add a custom field. Then tap on “plus” to add items.

Create a new report (Reports > plus). Give a name and select a statistic.

In comparators, scroll at the bottom to see your custom field

Tap on your custom report and enjoy the results!

Custom fields also have an interesting option that we’ve added recently, which is Copy on duplicate (see first screenshot). Enable this option, and whenever duplicating a session, the value of the custom field will be copied in your new session.

That ends the custom fields documentation! If you have questions, contact us, otherwise, good luck at the tables!

Sessions default parameters & Geolocation

From time to time we’re being asked how to change the defaults of each session.

When talking parametrization of the app, adding options, our answer is often “meh…”. We’d rather not add more buttons, more stuff in the user interface.

1. Automatic defaults

So how does this translate to the default values of your session when you create a cash game session or a tournament?

The way this work is that we’re grabbing a number of your latest sessions from your current location and looking at your preferred style of play. What’s important there is the current location. We’re using geolocation to find where you find where you’re located when starting a session. Note: geolocation data are stored only on your device, we do not store any geolocation on our servers. Actually, you might not be aware but we do not own any servers.

So, if you haven’t enabled geolocation when you were first asked to, you should really activate it as it will give you way better results for your default parameters!

To do that, go on your device and then Settings > Privacy & Security > Location services.

Not good!

Now the “little” issue is that all your older locations aren’t geolocated. So next time you go at your favorite casino, edit that location and update its geolocation! Go in More > Settings > Locations to do that.

Locate your locations one by one 🙂

Side note: Having geolocated location will open you the world of the beautiful Reports > Locations report, where you’ll see each location played on a map!

2. Duplicates

You might not be aware of this but it’s possible to duplicate sessions in the app. Simply long tap on a session row, that’s it!

Long tap on the row!

We feel this dual system should cover most of your needs. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us!

Poker Analytics 5 Open Beta


we’re finally there! Today is a big step towards the release of the amazing version 5, and today we’re going into beta!

How to join? We’re opening the beta to everyone, for a limited time though. We expect to run it for a little less than a month, and during that time you’ll be able to enjoy all the capabilities of the app!

So how…?

Step 0

If you’re a version 3 user and have iCloud enabled, please disable it until having everything up and running on version 5.

Step 1

Make a back-up, even multiples backups.

How to backup? There are many options available to you:

  • Backup your iPhone:
  • Backup your data using iCloud: Inside Poker Analytics, check that you’ve enabled iCloud in More > Settings
  • Send yourself an XML file by mail using the Export, also in More > Settings

Please choose a couple of options. There shouldn’t be any problem but we don’t want to take any risks, neither you or us. (Side note: you should do backups as frequently as possible even when using the official App Store version: broken phones, kid deleting the app, etc…)

Step 2

Follow the registration process using this link:

Step 3

One last thing before letting you go! Please send us your feedback, we just want to know what’s your opinion of the version!

Mass Transfer

Hey guys,

we’re happy to announce the MASS TRANSFER operation. We apologize in advance to current subscribers as this won’t really concern you, BUT you might have a friend interested though, AND you might really want him to use Poker Analytics, therefore please let him know!

MASS TRANSFER is a limited offer we have for all iOS poker tracker users. To celebrate the arrival of Poker Analytics 5 later this year (hopefully), today we give you the chance to win a free year of Poker Analytics. At this point we support the import of many trackers so importing your data will most likely be possible.

Participating is very simple: send us a mail to

Please join:

  • Your full name
  • A photo of your id
  • Proof that you currently own a tracker: a combination of receipt, screenshot or photo of your current tracker
  • (optional) Why you’d like to try our app

We have a limited supply of codes to distribute, but we’re confident that we’ll have enough for every valid submissions. In case of limited supply, we’ll subjectively select submissions based on their content. You’re also eligible only if not currently a Poker Analytics subscriber.

The operation is limited until the end of 2018.

Wishing you the best at the tables!

Poker Analytics 4.8

Hello! It’s already time for another little but packed release, so here we go!

Improved hand history animated exports

We’ve made a couple of really important enhancements for the GIF & Video exports:

  • The format is a real square, so it’s gonna look way better when you share the videos on Instagram for example
  • We’ve added the size of the bets for much better readability

Here is the result:

Tom Dwan loses a huge $2.35 million pot against Paul Phua. The currency is the Korean Won.

Improved hand history reading mode

We’re now displaying cute little cards when you read a hand:

The same hand in reading mode

Apple Watch & Player Notes

You can now read your player notes directly on your wrist if you’re a lucky Apple Watch user:

Some of Nicholas tendencies on the Apple Watch

Other new features

Asked by some of dear users:

  • You can now export your operations as CSV
  • You can change the language of the app

We’ve also pretty much fixed the whole textual export of hand history, as it only work for mails.

This is it for 4.8! And as usual, feedback and comments on the App Store are strongly encouraged as they really help us improve the app! Have a great day!