Do you want to put your own permanent filters up there? That’s possible with the new dataset feature. Go in More > Settings > Favorite datasets to edit and put whatever you want up there!

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We’re so glad to end this long development run and bring you Poker Analytics 6 for iOS today!
Many subscribers here have various activities worthy of being tracked as it involves their finances, and as usual for that kind of activity, tracking is the best way to know exactly where you stand and having a responsible approach.
That’s why, now with Poker Analytics 6, you’ll be able to track your casino sessions, as well as your bets and investments!
Coming with logging these activities are of course the traditional reporting capabilities of Poker Analytics, so you’ll get statistics, graphics, filters, custom reports and most of the data visualization you already know and love!
Deriving from this first novelty, we needed a way for you to navigate between all kinds of data, so we’re introducing dataset, a way to easily switch between the statistics of your most important data.
Data sets are really a super convenient tool. Not only will you be able to quickly switch from poker to bets data, but you’ll be able to create the data sets you want and also attach some filters! Let’s say you’re often comparing statistics between your games at the Bellagio or the Wynn, or you like to switch between live and online, or maybe want to have a permanent set for this year’s WSOP, all these use cases are now possible!
We’ve been asked since a long time to get statistics for custom fields, and it’s finally here! Custom fields using numbers can now have their sum and average displayed in the stats screen, and you can have graphs for those stats!
We’re enabling those stats by default for your existing custom fields, but you can select the stats that really interest you and disable the ones that do not make sense.
Another long asked feature is the ability to compare gross and net results. It’s now possible to filter in or out the various transactions you enter in the app, all at once or one by one.
Typically, you’ll be able to see the impact of tips on your hourly, or see how much you truly win during your poker trips by deducting all your expenses.
We’ve been improving note taking in multiple ways. Now you’ll be able to find the players you play against in a quicker fashion as the players you’re playing with and players from your location will be put up front.
You’ll also get access to a virtual table view that will let you better see where the players are and have an easier time attaching notes to them.
Now whether your stakes only have one blind, or four, or just antes, or both, there will be no issue entering the information with the new dedicated keyboard!
Quick stop is a button you’ll find in each session’s row letting you end a session without going inside the session screen. You should particularly enjoy the feature if you’re multi-tabling online!
The buy-ins shortcut can finally be edited to put your default rebuy amount!
You can now make bankroll transfers to move money from one bankroll to another. Just create a new transaction and select Transfer to make a new one!
Bankrolls can now be initialized with a value, which will be an easier way to set them up.
Filters on comments and breaks are now available. Filters for bets, casino sessions and investments are of course available.
Bankrolls can now be setup with many cryptocurrencies and the automatic rate conversion is available.
The mass edit feature is now pretty hidden as it requires to be in Feed tab, with a poker session dataset, and to tap 3 times on the screen title. We’ve added the ability to edit stakes and limit for your session selection, as well as a mass delete.
You’ll also notice that we’ve refreshed the user interface, and you’ll probably find small improvements here and there that aren’t really worth mentioning. Many bugs have been fixed but it is possible that some new ones remain, so we’re counting on you to tell us about them!
Some of our most hardcore users crossed the 10,000 sessions mark inside the app. Our first performance benchmarks in 2011 targeted such volume and the app did fine, but in some scenario where we have a lot of multitabling the app was slowing down a bit too much and it didn’t feel acceptable any more to have the app taking that much time to compute stats. We’re pretty happy to announce that we’ve improved the computation times so you’ll be able to relax and log more and more sessions for a long time!
That’s it for now! We really hope you’ll crush the tables and get to the top! Also, please tell us about the app when you’ll have the chance, we’re always craving to hear you.
Please answer the poll and tell us which feature you’d like to see the most in the future Android versions: Have a great day!
Hey guys, you might or might not be aware of this, but Poker Analytics 6 for iOS is now in its beta stage, and we’re accepting everyone who wants to join!
Go to the home page of this blog to find the joining guide if you’re interested in participating!