Location have been designed to represent a physical place, like a casino, a friend’s house, or your home. Location can be geolocalized so the app finds your favorite game at that location. If you’re playing online, specify the physical location, and use a different bankroll for each room you play on.
Author Archives: Laurent
I hit a bonus in one session and it has a huge impact on my hourly
We recommend you to create transactions for everything that’s not purely poker, like exceptional bonuses, expenses and so on. These will impact your bankroll, but not your poker stats.
Is there a HUD in Poker Analytics?
Nope, there is not. HUD are provided by some desktop applications that access your hand histories, written in accessible files. The nature of the closed mobile device environment makes it impossible to automatically get access to hand histories as well as providing an overlay to poker apps. Poker Analytics is a great way to track …
[iOS] Why some of my sessions are grouped?
On iOS, sessions are grouped when their time frames overlap. If you feel that’s wrong, you might have an unstopped session that “eats” all new created sessions. Edit the date to fix the issue.
How do I delete a static data (location, game, …)?
Just swipe the row to the left to delete it. Alternatively, on iOS, you can tap the Edit button in the bottom left corner.